Asia's Personal Fitness Program

Feeling Good and Looking Good

Guiding Questions

Why is physical fitness a personal matter?

It affects your life in many ways. It can control how you feel about yourself. If you're physically fit your self esteem becomes higher and you're a better person all around.

How do some people neglect their health by choosing not to participate in physical activity?

People are hurting themselves by not participating because engaging in physucal activity improves your health.

What are the primary health risk factors, and which ones may be controlled?

-Gender, not controlable
-Age, not controlable
-Heredity, not controllable
-Inactivity, controllable
-Obesity, controllable
-High Blood Pressure, controllable
-Stress and Tension, controllable
-Smoking, controllable

What benefits are gained by exercising?

You become physically fit, emotionally fit, and socially fit. Exercising helps to improve all those areas of your life.

What is the relationship between wellness and personal fitness?

Personal fitness helps lead to overall wellness in your life, from your personal appearance to improved life expectancy.

What is a personal fitness program (PFP)?

It is a plan designed to help you select activities that will enable you to improve your lifestyle.